You’ll find that cat male names are just as cool as dog male names. We’ve got everything from short and sweet to long and complex here. So, settle in and get ready to pick one out!
The names of male cats are just as varied and exciting as their female counterparts. Whether you’re looking for a relaxed or cute name, there’s something for everyone. If you are looking for a unique male cat name, consider one inspired by pop culture. It could be a movie character or an actor or actress.
Another great idea is a name inspired by a movie series. Male cat names can be as creative as you wish. Whether you are looking for a traditional or wildly exotic name, you can find a name that is just right.

There are lots of great cat male names.
There are lots of great male cat names to choose from. Cats are one of the most popular pets for many people, and they can be fun and cute too!
If you’re looking for a name for your new kitten or cat, here are some ideas:
Apollo is the Greek god of light, music, and healing. He is also known as Phoebus Apollo or Helios to the Romans. Apollo had many children with his wife, Leto, including Artemis (goddess of hunting) and her twin brother Apollo himself.
Many cultures throughout history worshiped Apollo, and today, he’s still a popular cat name! If you’re looking for a name for your new cat that is rare but still sounds familiar and easy to pronounce, this could be just what you need!
Atticus is an excellent name for a cat. It’s also the name of a famous male baby name, but it’s not just because of that that people choose it for their cats.
Atticus is also a super cool-sounding name, and it’s easy to say, which makes it ideal for pets who may need to be called at all hours of the day or night by their owners (or other pets).
Al is an excellent name for any cat. It’s neutral but also has an air of sophistication to it. It’s a good name for black, orange, tabby, and white cats.
Another great name for your pet is Ariel. The lion is a representation of the divine, and it is also considered a good name. Whether you decide on this or a similar name, you can rest assured that your pet will be a proud member of the animal kingdom.
The Orion is a star-shaped constellation, which is of Greek mythological origin. According to the Bible, it is the home of Jesus Christ.
You may have already considered the name Berger if you have a male cat. It is a French surname, and it means mountain dweller.
Consider the name Buster. Buster is a nickname for a tough guy. Or you might opt for the name Oreo.
Blackie is a common name for black cats, but it’s also an affectionate name for any cat. If you have a black pet–whether it’s solid or has other colors mixed in–you can call him Blackie!
This name has been around since the early 1900s, according to The Online Etymology Dictionary. The name probably came from “black” being spelled black or black ewe in Middle English times (as well as other variations).
For males, Brooklyn is an excellent place to be. The Brooklyn kitty is a no-brainer if you want to woo your feline with a name. This city is one of the most diverse in the country, with a population of about 1.5 million. With an enviable quality of life and many exciting things to do, it’s a great place to call home. So, why not give your kitty a name that’s as unique as she is?
NameMox can help you find the perfect name for your feline friend. Whether you’re looking for a unique and unisex name for your pet or an upscale name for your cat, NameMox has you covered. And, since NameMox offers a no-obligation quote, you can rest assured that you’ll get a name you’ll be proud of.
Blue is a famous cat name and one of the most common colors for cats. Male cats can be named Blue, as well as female cats who have blue eyes.
It’s important to note that not all blues are created equal! There are many shades of Blue, from light pastel to dark navy. When choosing a name for your new fur baby–male or female–, you should consider how old they will look when they grow up (and what color their eyes will be).
Bob is a popular name for cats. It’s cute and unusual, but it’s also widespread. Bob is one of the most popular cat names out there, so if you’re looking for something that’s not too out there and still has some personality behind it (like your kitty), then Bob might be perfect!
For example, if you have an orange or white cat, you might want to name it Chester. Chester is a shortened form of Rochester.
Felix is a famous cat name, so it’s no surprise it makes the list of top male cat names. This name starts with the letter F, an excellent letter to start your search with if you’re looking for something that starts with one of the first four letters in the alphabet (A through D).
Felix has been used as both a male and female name over time; however, when we look at recent Social Security Administration records data, we see that more than 90% of people named Felix were born between 1900-1949 (and most were male).
Fred is an excellent name for a cat. Fred is a good name for a male cat, and it’s also an excellent choice if you’re looking for something simple and masculine. If your furry friend has more of an elegant temperament, then this might not be the best pick for him–but if he’s more of an extrovert (or just less fussy), then Fred could be just right!
Frank is an excellent name for a cat because it’s a common name for cats and people. It’s also short, which means you can say it quickly when your cat is doing something cute. It’s best not to say “frankfurter” because that will confuse them, and they might run away from home.
Fuzzy is a great name for a cat. It’s cute, but it sounds like you’re discussing the fur on your kitty’s back. That’s because fuzzy is a word that means having soft, downy hairs or fibers that feel like cotton balls or velvet.
Fuzzy should be used cautiously, though–it could be hard for people to read!
Geona is not a female name. It is a male one and is of Italian origin. While not the most popular of names, it has several perks.

If you’re looking for a firm name, Hercules is perfect. He’s a big, handsome cat, and he knows it! His owners often say he acts like he owns the house when they come home from work or school. Hercules likes to play with his toys but sometimes gets too excited and knocks them out of reach so no one else can play with them.
Hercules also has a kind heart; he loves people as much as they love him! His favorite thing in life is giving hugs–even if they’re just on your leg while you’re sitting down watching TV (which isn’t always very comfortable). He’ll even try to give himself one if no humans aren’t available!
Leo is a famous cat. He has a brother named Romeo and owns a cat named Bob. His owner is a writer and very smart, so he loves to be around people. Leo was born on December 23rd, which makes him an Aquarius (according to the zodiac).
Max is another popular male cat name. This name comes from the Greek and Latin meanings of the word “Maximus,” which is translated to mean “greatest.” Max is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a name that’s easy to pronounce and says everything you need about your cat.
When choosing a male cat name, you will want to choose one that matches your cat’s personality. There are many ways to go about it, including traditional names, pop culture, and entertainment. But the most important thing is to choose a name that matches your cat’s temperament.
Othello is an Italian name that may be a diminutive of the Germanic name Otto. It is not known for sure, but there is a strong possibility that it is.
This name is often associated with the tragedy of William Shakespeare. While it is not a feline name, it is an aristocratic name. If you are looking for a male cat name, consider this one.
Oreo is a popular name for black and white cats. They’re playful, independent, and often love to lay on books and magazines. These felines are very friendly and sweet.
Oliver is a widespread name, but it’s also one of the cutest names you could choose for your cat. Oliver has an adorable ring and will bring a smile to anyone who hears it!
If you’re looking for something substantial, Oliver fits the bill perfectly. This name brings strength and power into any room he enters. Plus, if you have more than one cat at home named Oliver (or Olivia), they’ll always be able to find each other because their names are so similar!
Pete is an excellent name for a male cat. It’s also popular and used in many movies and TV shows, so you might find it familiar if you’re into pop culture.
If you have a black or white-pawed feline friend, Pete is also a good choice, as it sounds like “petit.”
The spot is a common name for cats and other animals. It’s also a common human name, as well as the name of many dogs and rabbits. The word spot has been used to describe small areas on various surfaces since at least 1530; it comes from the Middle English word “spot,” meaning stain or flaw.
Sam is an excellent name for a cat. It’s short, simple, and easy to remember–and it doesn’t leave you wondering what your feline friend will do next. After all, if you’re going to name your pet after an actor or character from pop culture, it should at least be something that isn’t too out there (unless you want them to have an identity crisis).
But Sam isn’t just a name; it also has personality traits associated with cats who carry this moniker: curious about everything around them; goofy when they’re alone; sweet when they want food or attention; loyal friends who stick around through thick and thin!
Sherlock is an excellent name for a cat. It’s also the name of one of the most famous fictional detectives in history, so if you want your kitty to be named after someone who solves crimes, this is an excellent choice.
If you’re looking for a male name that’s British-sounding and unique without being too out there, Sherlock could be just what you’re looking for.
Tiger is an excellent name for a cat. It’s solid and robust, like your feline friend! It also fits in with his black-and-white fur pattern.
Tiger and Coo
Tiger and Coo is an excellent name for a cat that likes to be affectionate. It’s also a fantastic name for a blue cat or any other color of feline that you might have.
Romeo is a famous cat name, but it’s also the name of a famous feline. Romeo was the star of William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet (Tom Kitten played him). This black cat was named after his owner, Mr. Capulet’s steward, who died before the play began and left his fortune to be shared between his two children, Juliet and Paris.
Romeo is a male cat name that suits black cats perfectly!
Zorro is a sweet Spanish name. It is also a famous film name. However, the name itself may have little to do with the movie.
There are a lot of great cat names to choose from, and we hope this list has helped you find one that suits your kitty’s personality. Please let us know in the comments below if you have any other suggestions for male names!